Web Developer

Transforming concepts into tangible products is my passion.

Hi, I’m Fernandes. Nice to meet you.

For over 7 years, I’ve been on an exciting journey as a web developer. I’ve had the opportunity to work with various companies, provide consulting, and team up with talented professionals to create impactful digital products for both businesses and consumers. I’m a confident, curious individual who is always striving to improve and tackle new development challenges.

Web Developer

I like to code things and enjoy bringing ideas to life in the browser.


HTML, CSS, JS, Git, PHP + Laravel, Java, ReactJS, Typescript, NextJS, NodeJS, ASP.NET, GO

Dev Tools:

  • Github
  • Bootstrap
  • Bulma
  • Terminal
  • VS Code
  • Intellij
  • Visual Studio
  • DBeaver
  • SSMS
  • Navicat
  • Docker

Learning History

I love to learn in order to upgrade my knowledge about web development.

Institutions I go:

University of Tanjungpura, Purwadika, Udemy


  • Bachelor degree on Computer Engineering/Information Technology
  • Completion on Purwadika React Native Learning
  • Completion on Udemy Web Developer Bootcamp 2023

My Recent Work

Here are a few past freelance or personal projects I've worked on.

I'm proud to have worked with some amazing companies:

Solutions to digitize and manage field services.


One-Stop Platform for Your Logistics Activities.


Satu solusi sekolah digital buatan anak bangsa untuk anak bangsa.


Kickoff a Project

Interested in collaborating? Let's schedule a chat.